
Mozilla Labs Website Refresh

No, I’m not going to talk to you about a tablet.

I’m going to talk to you about a website!  The Mozilla Labs website, now with a fresh new coat of paint! *throws up arms in rejoicing fashion*  Today, we’ve launched the new theme for the Mozilla Labs site and our project pages.  Wider articles, bigger pictures, in-your-face headlines, it has it all.  Need to know what the author of an article looks like?  We’ve got that too!  And diagonal lines… did I mention diagonal lines?  We’re swimming in them.

Please head on over and look around.  We’ll be evolving the site further in the weeks and months ahead, adding newer navigation and expanded project descriptions, so stay tuned.  Please feel free to give me your feedback and if you find anything that may need fixing, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

There’s one more thing…

For those of you who now demand nothing but diagonal line artwork, I have created a fresh new Persona to usher in the launch.  Feel free to gird your browser with the Mozilla Labs Refresh persona, now live at getpersonas.com – http://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/87345 !
