
Open: An Illustration Mashup

The dino head has been retired from active duty as our official brand within Mozilla but continues to be a strong symbol of pride within the global family – especially with us folk who have been around for a while. Created for Mozilla by Shepard Fairey, the dino head stood as our brand for many years and during that time Fairey went on to create many more recognizable pieces including the “Hope” poster for the Obama campaign.

Unsurprisingly, Pascal Finette had a brilliant idea (he has many of those). What if we created a mashup of the dino head plus Hope poster as a fan art tribute to the original artist? Always up for a fun challenge, I accepted and got to work.

So, here it is! I hope you all enjoy my unofficial fan art mashup (I hope Fairey enjoys it if he sees it too!) which is now my desktop wallpaper, business card art and a Gelaskin for my Nexus 4! Enjoy!

NOTE: This is unofficial fan art from me and is considered a farewell/tribute piece to the Mozilla dino. It in no way ushers in a dino brand revival.